
Lecturing and Seminars

I am lecturer of machine learning and computer engineering related subjects. I have been at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB), the Spanish National Open University (UNED) and the Valencia International University (VIU).

Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB-UPC)
Master on Data Science (EHEA)
Master on Innovation and Research on Informatics (EHEA)
Innovation Interdisciplinary Project6 ECTSSpring '23-'24
Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics6 ECTSSpring '24
Degree on Artificial Intelligence (EHEA)High-Performance Computing6 ECTSAutumn '23
Parallel and Distributed Systems6 ECTSAutumn '22-'23
Degree on Informatics (EHEA)Data-Centers6 ECTSEditions '18,'20-'22
Operating Systems6 ECTSAutumn '18
Informatics Engineering (pre-EHEA)Information Retrieval6 ECTSAutumn '11

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Master on Big Data Management & AnalyticsDistributed Machine Learning18 Hours (Load)Editions '18-'24
Postgraduate Course on Big DataData Analytics54 Hours (Load)Editions '20-S,'20-A
Postgraduate on Big Data (w. UPCA-Perú)Data Analytics36 Hours (Load)Editions '21-'24

Universitat Internacional de València (VIU + UPC)
Master on CyberSecurityData Driven Security3,5 ECTSAutumn '16,'17

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Degree on informatics (EHEA)Object-Oriented Application Design6 ECTSSpring '16
Computer Engineering I6 ECTSSpring '15,'16,'17
DataBases6 ECTSSpring '14,'15,'16,'17
Digital Electronics6 ECTSAutumn '13,'14,'15

I also make courses on "Big Data and Machine Learning platforms", one of the most relevants at the PRACE Advanced Training Courses from the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe international association, in which the Barcelona Supercomputing Center is member.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Big Data Analytics using Apache SparkPRACE Advanced Training CoursesEditions '17-'24PDF
Distributed Data Analytics in Supercomputing SystemsACM Europe Summer School on HPC for AIEditions '21-'23PDF
Big Data Analytics using Apache SparkRDA Europe Spring School on Weather, Climate and Air QualitySpring '17PDF
Cloud Computing, Master in Informatcs Engineering (UPC): "AI between the Edge and Cloud"Barcelona, Spain, February 24th, 2020.PDF
System Performance Evaluation, Master in Information Technologies (UPC): "Power-aware Multi-DataCenter Management using Machine Learning"Barcelona, Spain, October 9th, 2013.PDF
System Performance Evaluation, European Master in Distributed Computing (UPC): "Adaption and Learning on Data-Centers and Cloud Systems"Barcelona, Spain, May 13th, 2011.PDF

Education Projects

Intel-AI"AI and Predictive Analytics in Data-Center Environments", awarded by the Intel Academic Education Mindshare Initiative for AI2019 - 2020

Students and Theses Supervision

Current Students

Marçal Garcia BorisPh.D. Student (DAC-UPC).Started July 2024
Pol García RecasensPh.D. Student (DAC-UPC), co-directed with Jordi TorresStarted October 2023
Ferran Agulló LópezPh.D. Student (DAC-UPC), co-directed with Jordi TorresStarted September 2022
Eros FabriciPh.D. Student (DEDS), co-directed with Besim BilaliStarted May 2022
Pol Rion SoléB.Sc. Student (FIB-UPC), co-directed with Lorena AlonsoStarted July 2024
Roger Viles LeandroB.Sc. Student (FIB-UPC), co-directed with Aaron CallStarted February 2024
Joan Oliveras TorraM.Sc. Student (FIB-UPC), co-directed with Peini LiuStarted January 2024
Omar López RúbioM.Sc. Student (FIB-UPC), co-directed with Alberto GutiérrezStarted September 2023

Former Students

Gonzalo Gómez SánchezPh.D. Student"Exploring genomic datasets through machine learning methods leveraging high-performance computing", Doctoral Programme on Computer Architecture DAC - UPC. Co-directed w. David Carrera. Awarded Excellent Cum Laude.Lec. July 2024
Marçal Garcia BorisM.Sc. Student"Predictive Maintenance and Hardware Anomaly Detection in Urban IoT Devices", Master in Data Sciences, FIB - UPC.Lec. June 2024
Mateusz GalinskiM.Sc. Student"Using ML-based Telemetry Forecasting for Smart Scalability on Serverless Environments", Master in Data Sciences, FIB - UPC. Co-directed with Aaron Call.Lec. June 2024
Felipe Albuquerque PortellaPh.D. Student"A paradigm shift of HPC for geosciences: a novel HPC service model for geosciences applications", Doctoral Programme on Computer Architecture DAC - UPC. Co-directed w. David Carrera. Awarded Excellent.Lec. June 2024
Alex Martín TresánchezB.Sc. Thesis"Incorporació de Seguretat al Cicle de Desenvolupament de Sistemes", Bachelor Degree in Informatics, FIB - UPC.Lec. May 2024
Anna Maria NestorovPh.D. Thesis"Optimizing serverless architectures for data-intensive analytics workloads", Doctoral Programme on Computer Architecture DAC - UPC. Co-directed w. David Carrera. Awarded Excellent. LINKLec. May 2024
Hamza BoulaichB.Sc. Thesis"Disaster Recovery on Openshift Clusters", Bachelor Degree in Informatics, FIB - UPC. LINKLec. January 2023
Alberto Gutiérrez TorrePh.D. Thesis"Distributed cloud-edge analytics and machine learning for transportation emissions estimation", Doctoral Programme on Computer Architecture DAC - UPC. Co-directed w. David Carrera. Awarded Excellent Cum Laude. LINKLec. November 2022
Ferran Agulló LópezM.Sc. Thesis"Time series forecasting of application resource usage applying deep learning methods", Master in Artificial Intelligence, FIB - UPC. Co-directed w. Alberto Gutiérrez. LINKLec. June 2022
Josep Hilari Gómez ViladotB.Sc. Thesis"Sistema recomanador de reparacions d'autobusos", Bachelor Degree on Informatics, FIB - UPC. LINKLec. April 2022
Óscar Ruíz GallardoB.Sc. Thesis"Renovació del software de virtualització de servidors en una empresa", Bachelor Degree on Informatics, FIB - UPC. LINKLec. January 2022
Claudia Herrón MuletB.Sc. Thesis"Vertical Autoscaling in Container Resource Provisioning with Reinforcement Learning", Bachelor Degree on Mathematics Engineering and Data Science, UPF. Lec. July 2021
Adrià Marcoval MartínezM.Sc. Thesis"Infraestructura como código. Despliegue automatizado de clústers basados en Kubernetes on-premise", Master Informatics Engineering, FIB - UPC. Co-directed w. Jordà Polo. LINKLec. June 2021
David Buchaca PratPh.D. Thesis"Learning workload behaviour models from monitored time-series for resource estimation towards data center optimization", Doctoral Programme on Computer Architecture DAC - UPC. Co-directed w. David Carrera. Awarded Excellent Cum Laude. LINKLec. January 2021
Marc Ortega AguascaM.Sc. Thesis"Identificación y reconstrucción de trazas con datos de cámaras cenitales", Master in Data Science, URL - LaSalleLec. July 2020
Shuja-ur-Rehman BaigPh.D. Thesis"Data Center's Telemetry Reduction and Prediction through Modelling Techniques", Doctoral Programme on Computer Architecture DAC - UPC. Co-directed w. David Carrera. Awarded Excellent. LINKLec. December 2019
Lev DenisovM.Sc. Thesis"Platform for Analysis and Forecasting of Exhaust Emissions of Marine Traffic", Master Erasmus Mundus in Big Data Management and Analytics, FIB - UPC. Co-directed w. Alberto Gutiérrez.Lec. August 2019
Gonzalo Gómez SánchezM.Sc. Thesis"Unsupervised Clustering for Mining Patterns in Genomic Dataset", Master in Artificial Intelligence, FIB - UPC. Co-directed w. David Carrera. LINKLec. April 2018
Katsiaryna KrasnashchokM.Sc. Thesis"Mining Patterns in Genomic Datasets Containing Chained Chromosomal Rearrangements", Master Erasmus Mundus in IT4BigData. Top 2nd Best Thesis Award, FIB - UPC.Lec. September 2017
Alberto Gutiérrez TorreM.Sc. Thesis"Discovering Ship Navigation Patterns towards Environmental Impact Modeling", Master in Innovationand Research in Informatics, FIB - UPC. Co-directed w. David Carrera. LINKLec. May 2017
Alberto Gutiérrez TorreEng. Thesis"Learning user behaviours from website visit profiling", Engineering Degree in Informatics (pre-EHEA 5 year degree), FIB - UPC. Co-directed w. Ricard Gavaldà. LINKLec. June 2014
Jordi Roldán LlinàsEng. Thesis"Simulation and modeling of Cloud environments for experimentation with machine learning", Engineering Degree in Informatics (pre-EHEA 5 year degree), FIB - UPC. Co-directed w. Ricard Gavaldà. LINKLec. June 2010

Plus 10 groupal Master theses from the Master BDMA (editions 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023).

Guests and Mentoring

  • Francisco Javier Jurado, as M.Sc. Student from FIB-UPC, ES. 2020.
  • Carlos Mougan, as M.Sc. Student from UAB, ES. 2019.
  • Kiyana Bahadori, as Ph.D. candidate visitor from University of Padova, IT. 2018-2019.
  • Joan Marcual, as M.Sc. Student, finished his M.Sc. at GeorgiaTech, USA. 2017-2018.